WA state: MFT.LF.61543325
M.A. Couples & Family Therapy
IFS & IFIO Therapist (Level 2)

M.A. Couples & Family Therapy
IFS Therapist - Sex Therapist - Yoga Teacher - Energy Worker - Writer
Living in Mongolia for three years in my early 20s significantly shaped how I view and live in the world. I learned to slow down. When I slow down, I am able to appreciate the natural world and attend to my inner world. I saw how my Mongolian friends, who are Tibetan Buddhist, accept death as a part of the life cycle, and it taught me to live fully and with gratitude because every day, every moment, is precious.
Deciding to not continue on in a doctoral program was one of the best decisions I ever made. The acute stress of that time led me to discovering the healing benefits of yoga, traditional Chinese medicine, and a healthy diet. It took pushing myself almost to the breaking point for me to identify the kind of life that is not right for me.
My life changed when I studied Tera Mai Reiki and another form of energy healing. The first thing I needed to do as a healer, however, was to heal myself. The year of solitude and meditation in Thailand and the quiet years that followed gave birth to my novel which is about healing from trauma.
In Hawaii, I was immediately drawn to Anam Thubten Rinpoche's incisive, peaceful, and deeply compassionate teachings. After several years of attending Anam's retreats, I took the Bodhisattva's vow and completed the Dharmata Foundation's Dharma Leadership program.
In all the places that I have lived, I have spent time with people from all different walks of life: different cultures, skin tones, abilities, sexual orientations, genders, ages, socioeconomic status, educational level, gifts. I have learned from everyone who has touched my life.
All these chapters and catalysts inform my life work as a healer whether the modality is IFS healing, sex therapy, yoga, meditation, or energy healing.
Photo by Gregory Paul