WA state: MFT.LF.61543325
M.A. Couples & Family Therapy
IFS & IFIO Therapist (Level 2)
Me with Dick Schwartz, founder of IFS
It was a great honor for me to speak as a keynote panelist at the 2023 IFS Conference.
Highlights of what I shared:
IFS is a powerful tool that can help us heal the trauma of racism as well as all "-isms" (e.g. systems of oppression such as sexism, classism, colorism, ableism, transphobia, ageism, etc.)
My hope is that all IFS trainers will engage in the work of processing racial trauma on a continual basis because when they are Self-led in this area, they can have a huge impact on practitioners of the model and, by extension, on all those who seek healing through IFS
My hope is that all IFS Level 1 trainings will include racial processing work because practitioners can/will do harm if we do not examine our implicit biases
There is so much trauma, pain, and suffering in this world; non-violence begins with each one of us doing the courageous work of going inside and healing the parts of us that suffer from and perpetuate harm. Our healing has ripple effects that touch those around us so that each of us, in our own way, contribute to the healing of the world.
I wrote a chapter on IFS and Asian clients in Altogether Us: Integrating the IFS Model with Key Modalities, Communities, and Trends (ed. Jenna Riemersma, 2023).
Click on the image to hear my interview with Tammy Sollenberger on her podcast The One Inside.
IFS & Anti-Racism
Healing the Effects of Racism Using IFS
I have offered the workshop, Healing the Effects of Racism: an Experiential IFS Exploration at the 2021 and 2023 IFS conferences, to IFS trainers and staff in a Lunch & Learn, at the 2022 White Privilege Conference organized by The Privilege Institute, and as a part of the Houston Coalition Against Hate's 2022 annual weekend retreat.
The work of promoting equity, justice, and belonging is very close to my heart. I welcome all opportunities to collaborate with folks on furthering racial justice and healing racial trauma--please reach out if you are interested in working together.
In Dec. 2022, I was invited to speak on a panel organized by graduate students at USC where we responded to a provocative Chinese-language PSA about domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV). I address how:
Chinese cultural influences (e.g. patriarchal control of women, rigid binary gender roles, shame and a need to save face, etc.) may enforce survivors' silence
folks of all genders and backgrounds are affected by IPV in the US
IFS can help survivors heal from IPV and other forms of trauma through its gentle and compassionate approach that works somatically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.
Click on the image or link below to watch the discussion.